Vision & 10 Big Ideas
The vision statement retains many of the same themes as the existing vision statement but adds more connection to the planning priorities identified during the update process and desired outcomes. The ten “big ideas” reflect community priorities for the next 20 years and are addressed in specific plan elements.

People love Airway Heights as a great place to live, work, and visit for its small-town feel, inclusivity, and strong community connections. Airway Heights is compact and walkable community with different types of housing, employment, parks and open space, and local businesses all within a short-distance and designed at a human scale. Airway heights continues to plan for growth in housing and jobs along with the infrastructure and amenities to maintain and improve life in Airway Heights.
In Airway Heights:
Many people establish roots, know their neighbors, and support the community.
Families are attracted to the community for the housing, schools, local businesses, parks and amenities that create a high-quality of life.
Multi-generational housing is integrated into neighborhoods that are beloved by all.
People like being able to walk and bike on the sidewalks and bike facilities for recreation, to destinations such as local businesses, schools, parks, trails, but also as a way to see their friends and neighbors.
Highway 2 is the gateway to Airway Heights and has been shaped by the community to reflect the desired local identity.
The Downtown is beloved as a place people can walk or bike from their neighborhood for socializing, shopping, local services, civic services, and arts and cultural events.