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Land Use

Airway Heights ej im̧m̧an ilo amọk eo an residential, commercial, industrial, public, im open space ej mokta ilo area an Highway 2. Ejjab eññe land use plan an City em̧m̧an ilo eññe proximity an Fairchild Airforce Base im Spokane International Airport, im land an south an Highway 2 ej ko̧ņan āin im residential development.

Land usage, population forecasts, im land quantity ej updated en komon plan an ke ej jeje. Ej included analysis an building permit im land development tan 2018, market analysis an land usage trends eo in Leland im Associates, updated population trends im housing projections, im available land analysis. Ej kōm̧m̧an land uses eo ekāļā ke taake wōt juon category im strategy eo an kōm̧m̧an an 6-year im 20-year demand.


Airway Heights eo ej bok bok jikin, ilo jouj in an ko rej kakkure in land ejju, elane itok wot im jiban, ej elaññe land ejor eo im re jekos ej in ejmour in land ej. To er miakre, ejje neweo im emojen land meto in eokju, im regemweon mwekoji ko ej je ejmour in house juon ej jekos ejmu ko "missing middle housing" melele me usun cottage housing, townhomes, courtyard apartments, accessory dwelling units, triplexes, im fourplexes. Ejmelemate in code in zoning in City ej simwor to implement missing middle housing. Plan ko ej toplan in dedejen in adopted changes in Downtown Plan ejme higher density land use ko ilo Downtown Area.


Downtown im Commercial Development


Jiban in land development ejjellep ikijjen land komersial ilo Airway Heights. Ko komersial ejmaron ilo Highway 2 im land elaññe south ej limited eo an residential development kom Fairchild Airforce Base im Spokane International Airport. Improvements in Highway 2 im implementasjon in Downtown Plan in City ej priorities in ilo 20 tok tok.



City ej maron ikijjen land bwe ej ettok maron ilo available land analysis ko ekajji Frameworks Consulting im Leland Market Study. Plan ko ej rej ririk in land ko ej industrial ilon residential jiban ejreweaj, ejmekot non FAFB limitations an location in housing ej rebok in residential areas im etali ekwot in housing projections ilo plan.

Public/Open Space


City ej añe parks im public facilities ej mo ekajji Airway Heights Recreation Center, Sunset Park, Shorty Combs Park, im Cleveland Park. City ejmelemate in jiban in new City Hall campus ilo Airway Heights.



Ij kalipwel in Kalispel Tribe of Indians im Spokane Tribe of Indians ej jiban ilo City in Airway Heights, rej emoj land in trust ko Bureau of Indian Affairs im fee land.

Ijō kōttōk: Ejm̧an Kọmplan eo an Airway Heights ej kōmmān bōk in City Council ijojen bōk ej print. Kōmplan eo ej jiban̄ wōr jeje rōkōt ijojen bōk ej print. Ijōr kōnono ko emman, wōr kar kio, kōmplan eo ej print in ejjerbale kake ijōbōk ilo website an City ej kōttōk.

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