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Economic Development

Understanding an economic development patterns im opportunities ilo city ej important factor ilo managing growth an city. Reason roñton ej kōm̧mān wōr economic status an city ej kōm̧mān major role ilo determining growth. If ej emloyment or business opportunities ilo community, people ej attracted roñton area. If ej lack an these things, people ej likely kōm̧mān elsewhere. For planning purposes, cities ko where great number an economic opportunities ko exist ej wōr prepared roñton deal wōt substantial growth. Ilo areas ko where few opportunities ko exist, ej kōm̧mān examine why ej, im what can done roñton invigorate city’s economy.

Planning ej kōm̧mān major role ilo facilitating economic growth through land use decisions ko made ilo Comprehensive Plan. Ej important roñton ensure ej there ample land designated roñton commercial im industrial uses roñton fulfill demand roñton these uses. Proper functioning relationship roñton supply im demand roñton commercial im industrial lands ej vital roñton maintaining smooth operating market.

City an Airway Heights ej faced wōt unique economic situation. Even though City ej small ilo population, location ej allows ej draw business roñton surrounding areas. As result, economic opportunities ilo City ej greater than size ej kōm̧mān.

Ijō kōttōk: Ejm̧an Kọmplan eo an Airway Heights ej kōmmān bōk in City Council ijojen bōk ej print. Kōmplan eo ej jiban̄ wōr jeje rōkōt ijojen bōk ej print. Ijōr kōnono ko emman, wōr kar kio, kōmplan eo ej print in ejjerbale kake ijōbōk ilo website an City ej kōttōk.

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