Capital Facilities
Capital Facilities element" ej kojbar elañe summary information rejon etal ilo Airway Heights Capital Facilities Plan (CFP), ko ilo̧k City eo etto̧r ar elañe public facilities im jikin future facilities melelekin bwe ej jino jera im meto̧r roñton wōr. Ej raitok wōr eo im CFP, "element" eo ej wōr maron kin guide rēwōj ak City an ej imañ ñeń mokōtton public facilities ej tolen im eḷañ imōj jen kōn wōtto̧r ke ilo residents im businesses.
Ej ko̧mman Growth Management Act (GMA) eo an kōkōbōk ḷōmņak kōņan capital facilities rej kōm̧mān eo ak ej wōr maron ko̧m̧mānwōt ikijen facilities im services rej ḷōm̧ in aō eo ñan development ilo kajoor wōt im kōņan.
The CFP ej eo aō roñton six-year plan melelekin capital improvements rej kōm̧mānwōt ḷōm̧ in City eo an current im future population im economy. Ej kōņan improvements emōj melelekin fully funded. Aōron criterion melelekin identifying CFP improvements ej standards an ‘levels of service’ (LOS). Jebōj, the CFP ej kōņan LOS standards roñton public facilities im kōm̧mān development melelekin served en adequat facilities ej ko̧m̧mānwōt land use element im ko̧m̧mān eo, im kōņan impacts an development (i.e., ‘concurrency’ requirement).
Capital Facilities element ej kōm̧mān wōt roñton ilo jān:
Demonstrate intent im capacity an kōm̧mān services rej kōm̧mānwōt land development ej ko̧m̧mānwōt land use element eo an comprehensive plan.
Maintain im improve quality of life roñton existing im future residents im kōm̧mānwōt LOS standards.
Coordinate im provide consistency roñton all plans for capital improvements, ko rej kōm̧mān:
Other elements an Comprehensive Plan (i.e., land use im transportation elements).
Other studies ak topical plans led by local government.
Plans for capital facilities an state im/or regional significance.
Plans an adjacent local agencies or governments.
Special district plans.
Ensure timeliness an provision an adequate facilities ko rej kōm̧mānwōt GMA.
Document capital projects im kōn project ko jeñok impact fees im/or real estate excise taxes authorized by GMA.
Requirement eo an fully finance projects identified ilo CFP ej kōm̧mānwōt reality check roñton goals im objectives rej kotto̧k ilo Comprehensive Plan. Ej em̧m̧an capacity an facilities described ilo CFP ej kōm̧mānwōt size im configuration an growth ilo City limits im im̧kōn urban growth area (UGA).