The purpose of this chapter is to identify and aid provision of housing in Airway Heights according to type, location, and quantity to serve projected needs. Of course, housing carries greater potential than simple provision of shelter. Attractive, affordable, suitable, and safe housing is a vital ingredient to the success of any community. The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) recognizes this, as reflected in the following GMA goal for housing that was updated in 2022:
“Plan for and accommodate housing affordable to all economic segments of the population of this state, promote a variety of residential densities and housing types, and encourage preservation of existing housing stock.”
Accordingly, a key objective for Airway Heights is to support the provision of housing as coordinated with a broad range of goals and policies unique to the city, in addition to those required by the GMA. These housing-related goals and policies are provided at the end of this chapter, showing how the City intends to meet its requirements as well as advance its long-term vision. A brief analysis of today’s housing supply, growth trend, and land use alternatives are provided in Volume II.
Policies in this chapter were developed in view of data that showcase existing and forecasted conditions likely to emerge over a 20-year horizon. Topics considered include population counts and projections, household characteristics, unit types, available land quantities, and more. Material published elsewhere in the Comprehensive Plan may at times be referenced, helping minimize overlap and the overall size of the Plan.
Housing density, as described in this chapter, is defined as below. The photos on the following pages depict examples of various housing typologies and densities.
Low density: Up to 5 units per acre
Medium density: Up to 10 units per acre
High density: 10 to 20 units per acre
Mixed-use density: 10 to 20 units per acre