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Goal, Policy, Action

The following pages present the goal, policy and actions developed for the City of Airway Heights Comprehensive Plan. For purposes of this document, the terms "Goal", "Policy", and "Action" are defined as follows:


Broad statements indicating a general aim or purpose to be achieved. A goal is a direction setter, an ideal future end, condition, or state related to the public health, safety, or general welfare toward which planning and implementation measures are directed.


An objective is a topic-specific statement providing guidelines for current and future decision-making. It indicates a clear commitment of the local legislative body. A policy is an extension of a plan’s goals, reflecting topical nuance as well as an assessment of conditions.


Actions are budgetable steps envisioned or undertaken to implement plan policies. Actions may include the development of more detailed and localized plans, work to implement policies, formal agreements, regulations or other strategies.

Reading the Goals, Policies & Action Tables


The following pages present the goal, policy and program matrix developed for Airway Heights’ Comprehensive Plan. These were developed using the following resources and methodologies:


Existing framework – Goals and policies from the 2011 Airway Heights Comprehensive Plan were a primary resource in developing this matrix. For the purpose of clarity and brevity, each and every 2011 policy was evaluated according to expressed intent, and:


  • Re-categorized - per the plan’s definitions of goals, policies and actions (see above);

  • Edited - for clarity, to reduce the use of jargon and/or to collate objectives under common headings;

  • Combined or removed - where duplicated or functionally identical goals or policies were discovered.


Public input – This framework was informed by community input received during development of the 2017 Highway 2 Corridor Plan.


GMA Compliance – All goals and policies were reviewed to ensure compliance with Growth Management Act requirements (RCW 36.70A.070(1).


Other plans – The goal and policy set were influenced by other existing and adopted plans developed for Airway Heights, including the most current parks and recreation plan and the US-2 corridor plan.


All goals, policies and programs are numbered sequentially. The numbering and order of items in no way indicate City priority or relative importance.


Goal and Policy sections include a “Element Listings” column to the left, indicating those plan elements where each goal and policy was referenced at the time of plan adoption. For this, a chapter abbreviation key is provided in the matrix footer. Where they appear in multiple elements, the listing deemed most closely associated with the goal or policy topic is listed first. Italicized text below each goal is provided to help introduce and describe the source of, and the purpose for, the referenced item. Explanatory text below action listings may also elaborate on the recommended scope of work.

Disclaimer: The official version of the Airway Heights Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the City Council as a print document. This website is designed to mirror the content in the adopted print version. However, in the event there is a conflict between this website and the print version, the print version hosted on the City's website shall supersede.

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©2023 Created by Framework for City of Airway Heights 

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