The provision of services, utilities, and facilities is the primary purpose of any general- or special-purpose governmental agency and is direct evidence of the taxpayer’s and utility customer’s dollar in action. Governments, in many ways, are like businesses, which provide goods and services in exchange for tax dollars, fees, and utility billings. Their goal should be to provide the maximum benefits given a limited revenue base. This demands proper planning and efficient utilization of funds.
Planning plays a significant role in capital expenditures programming by providing a growth framework by which potential expenditures may be evaluated. For example, an area may be projected for industrial expansion, but is lacking necessary water and sewer utilities. Should the local government wish to stimulate development in this area, it can plan for and participate in the construction of these utility systems. On the other hand, lands retained for rural uses will demand relatively little expenditure of limited revenues.
Planning can also anticipate city utilities needs which will be generated by development, and propose a system for making those improvements. Other governmental agencies benefit from a plan that provides predictable growth patterns for the future. School districts can utilize planning data when forecasting student enrollments and space needs. Fire Departments can utilize the plan to project future revenues and specialized equipment needs to accommodate specific types of development. It can be seen that planning is the foundation of capital improvement programming for the City.
This section presents the overview of existing utilities systems in Airway Heights as well as needs forecast over the course of this plan’s 20-year horizon. As with other elements, this chapter also presents topic specific listings from the City’s overall goal and policy framework.
Water System
The City is developing agreements and facilities to meet the projected demand for the 6 year and 20 year planning horizon and coordinating these with the City’s Mater Water Plan. This includes several options for development of both annual and instantaneous water supplies. The expected water demand has been projected utilizing the studies in Volume II of this plan and coordinated with land use demand.
Sewer System
As the City develops further, expansion of the sewer system to collect flows from new developments will be necessary. There are still areas of the City that are still utilizing septic systems for wastewater treatment and extension of the sewer collection system to eliminate those septic tank systems is necessary. The Water Reclamation Plant(WRP) is in need of upgrades to the membrane treatment system and upgrades to the SCADA control system as well. As the City continues to grow and develop, analysis of the WRP treatment capacity and possible expansion of the WRP may be necessary.
Other Utilities
Non-city utility providers will experience increased demand for services as the City grows and will need to plan for new or improved facilities. As new technologies for Internet, wireless telephone, and other telecommunications systems are implemented, these improvements will further the City’s goal of economic growth and competitiveness. Through its land use regulation and permitting authority, the City should ensure that these utilities are broadly available to residents and businesses throughout the City, and that there are not excessive visual impacts within existing neighborhoods and local centers.