Clave de abreviaturas de capÃtulos: CF = Instalaciones de capital; ED = Desarrollo económico; HO = Vivienda; LU = Uso de la tierra; PR = Parques y recreación; UT = Servicios públicos; XP = Transporte
Ensure that adequate land is available for future housing needs, helping serve residents of all ages, incomes, and abilities through provision of diverse housing types and price levels.
Monitor land availability and build out results for housing developments to ensure housing goals are being accomplished.
Initiate urban growth area modifications as needed to address housing. Annex urban growth areas as needed and able to be served.
Encourage maintenance of housing in an attractive, safe and sanitary condition, helping extend the service life of housing and enhancing the general appearance of the city and its neighborhoods.
Encourage the preservation and rehabilitation of older housing stock throughout the community.
Encourage housing developments to front on streets or open space and promote clustering of units in new residential development to enhance service efficiencies and create opportunities for shared open space, landscaping, and creative approaches to shared parking solutions.
Ensure regulations apply equally to site-built and manufactured housing types.
Consider location of multi-family development in areas that:
Can be integrated into existing neighborhood development patterns, ensuring compatibility in building scale and neighborhood character, replicating neighborhood design elements, and supporting a pedestrian-friendly environment. Examples include: limiting number of units in buildings limiting the building height to 1-2 stories requiring buildings to be along street frontages, creating a clear entrance and space related to the street requiring differing building forms built on a neighborhood block scale such as mixes of duplex, triplex, fourplex, courtyard apartments, townhomes and cluster housing.
Can be designed to minimize large surface parking lots and promote shared parking, requiring parking on the interior of the site, behind buildings.
Provide a transition between higher- and lower-intensity development patterns.
Are appropriate and compatible with existing land uses.
Are part of projects involving mixed-use or master-planned areas.
Have convenient access to STA transit via use of pedestrian and/or bike accommodations (i.e. sidewalk, pathways, bike lanes, etc.)
Have access to a collector or arterial.
Do not concentrate multifamily developments in an area of the city, but rather distributes them throughout the community to avoid concentrations.
Maintain safe and efficient, multi-modal traffic flows throughout Airway Heights, measured and monitored using adopted Level of Service (LOS) standards.
Maintain a multi-modal level of service for the City that may differentiate between neighborhoods such as Downtown and residential neighborhoods.
Encourage complete streets design for roadways and provide design guidelines on street elements configuration.
Encourage extension of the multiuse path system.
Provide administrative and financial assistance to support development-borne costs for roadway improvements adjacent to site.
Encourage street lighting.
Encourage frontage and landscaping improvements to the roadway edge including for US-2.
Encourage extension of grid system and connection roadway network in the City and into the UGA.
Develop safe crossings, multi-modal options, and improve US-2 to slow traffic through downtown.
Enforce Multimodal Level of Service (LOS) goals for private development, incentivizing compliance by offering reductions in the City traffic impact fee for meeting these standards. (See Transportation Section for multimodal LOS standards/definition.)
Leverage and develop the development traffic impact analyses to address multimodal Level of Service (LOS), at the discretion of the City engineer.
Develop a new multi-modal level of service standard for the City, Downtown, and other neighborhoods as appropriate.
Develop and enhance a transportation system in Airway Heights that:
Facilitates the safe, efficient movement of people, goods, and services.
Supports non-motorized and recreational needs.
Supports land use objectives.
Promotes livable neighborhoods.
Increases access to and encourages the use of public transit.
Improves safe pedestrian and bike routes to schools, housing, employment areas, and between communities.
Encourages completion of the street grid and improved alley access for development of low density, medium density, and infill housing.
Provides a residential grid network that ensures multimodal mobility between developments, recreation, services, and schools along City collectors and arterials.
Implements sound access management techniques by providing connectivity between contiguous commercial developments off the street system.
Improve year-round access, safety, utility, convenience and service levels for alternative modes of transportation, including:
Public transit services.
Use of boulevards and landscape buffers designed consistent with City Standards that provide for snow storage that keep roads, bike lanes, and sidewalk/paths accessible year-round.
Development that promotes complete streets, improves access to STA transit, and/or provides shelters/storage for active transportation to improve multimodal LOS.
Businesses and residential developments that encourage commute trip reduction strategies, which can also improve multimodal LOS.
Maintain and improve the continuity of sidewalks, trails, and bicycle paths in Airway Heights.
Develop and maintain a Master Sidewalk and Pedestrian Network Plan that engineers and planners can use to coordinate the advancement of active transportation facilities.
Enforce Multimodal Level of Service (LOS) goals for private development, incentivizing compliance by offering reductions in the City traffic impact fee for meeting these standards. (See Transportation Section for multimodal LOS standards/definition.)
Work to improve street and trail connectivity and quality in all areas of Airway Heights, improving walkability, public health and safety, and transportation efficiency.
Develop and maintain a Master Sidewalk and Pedestrian Network Plan that engineers and planners can use to coordinate the advancement of active transportation facilities.
Enforce Multimodal Level of Service (LOS) goals for private development, incentivizing compliance by offering reductions in the City traffic impact fee for meeting these standards. (See Transportation Section for multimodal LOS standards/definition.)
Coordinate transportation planning and provision efforts with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC), Spokane County, the City of Spokane, and other nearby cities.