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Capital Facilities

The Capital Facilities element provides summary information derived from the most current Airway Heights Capital Facilities Plan (CFP), describing the City’s existing public facilities and the need for future facilities to address the requirements of a growing population. In conjunction with the CFP, this element provides guidance for the City to achieve its goal of providing public facilities appropriate and necessary to maintain service levels for residents and businesses. 


The state Growth Management Act (GMA) requires communities to plan for capital facilities to ensure there is an adequate level of facilities and services in place to support development at the time of occupancy or use. 


The CFP is a six-year plan for capital improvements that supports the City’s current and future population and economy. Identified improvements are to be fully funded. One key criterion for identifying CFP improvements are standards for “levels of service” (LOS). Accordingly, the CFP contains LOS standards for each public facility and requires that development be served by adequate facilities consistent with the land use element and concurrent with, or prior to, the impacts of development (i.e., the “concurrency” requirement.)


Capital Facilities element are required in order to:

  1. Demonstrate intent and capacity to provide services associated with land development that is envisioned or authorized by the land use element of the comprehensive plan.

  2. Maintain and improve the quality of life for existing and future residents by establishing and maintaining LOS standards.

  3. Coordinate and provide consistency among all plans for capital improvements, including:

    • Other elements of the Comprehensive Plan (i.e., land use and transportation elements).

    • Other studies or topical plans led by local government.

    • Plans for capital facilities of state and/or regional significance.

    • Plans of adjacent local agencies or governments.

    • Special district plans.

  4. Ensure the timely provision of adequate facilities as required by GMA.

  5. Document capital projects and their financing (including projects to be financed by impact fees and/or real estate excise taxes authorized by GMA).


The requirement to fully finance projects identified in the CFP provides a reality check on the goals and objectives set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, the capacity of facilities described in the CFP affects the size and configuration of growth within City limits as well as in its urban growth area (UGA).

Disclaimer: The official version of the Airway Heights Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the City Council as a print document. This website is designed to mirror the content in the adopted print version. However, in the event there is a conflict between this website and the print version, the print version hosted on the City's website shall supersede.

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